Frequently Asked Questions

How long does delivery take?

Delivery time is typically between 2 and 5 working days. However, in events out of our control, it could possibly take longer.

What happens if the dog I selected at the shelter has been adopted or is no longer at the shelter?

If the dog that you’ve chosen to spoil is no longer at the shelter due to adoption or any other unforeseen circumstances, the toy will be gifted to another deserving dog in need.

Are there refunds available?

As per our refund policy, we do not offer refunds.

How can I identify which shelter dogs require toys?

You can search the Spoil A Dog website, where we do our best to keep an updated list of dogs that need toys.

On what basis can I choose a dog to spoil?

You can select the dog based on the breed, name, or unique personality! It’s completely up to you.

Can I select a specific toy for the shelter dog?

Absolutely! You’re welcome to choose a toy from the available list for each dog.

Do you offer international shipping?

At present, we only ship within England, Scotland, and Wales. We do not offer international shipping.

What happens if my selected toy is out of stock?

If your selected toy is unfortunately out of stock, we’ll make sure to send a very similar toy instead.

How can I support Spoil A Dog apart from sending toys?

One of the best ways to support us is by spreading the word about Spoil A Dog and its mission.

Can I monitor the delivery of my purchased toy?

While we currently don’t have a system for tracking deliveries, we are actively working on a solution to this.

Do you collaborate with specific dog shelters?

We collaborate with any registered dog shelter that is interested in participating and adding their dogs to the Spoil A Dog website.

Can I subscribe to send toys regularly?

We’re currently developing a subscription package. More details will be available soon.

Can I purchase toys for dogs in UK shelters if I live outside of the country?

Yes, you can still buy toys for dogs in UK shelters even if you are not residing in the UK.

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